Creating solutions that respect humanity and the planet

Organizations should always respect human rights, human effort and human experience. To enable a sustainable and prosperous civilization and world, we need a strong value system.

*Ideas and texts were inspired from We added our own twist to it.*

🔗Respect Human Rights

  • Sustainability: It is important for a very simple reason: we cannot maintain our quality of life as human beings, the diversity of life on our planet, or Earth’s ecosystems unless we embrace and protect its balance.
  • Equality: Everyone should have a right to learn, dream, partake and succeed. Equal access also means affordability, not ownership by big greedy companies.
  • Decentralization: To better distribute power, value and opportunities, we need more decentralization. Technologies and solutions should be available everywhere to improve equality and sustainability.
  • Openness & Interoperability: Allows technologies to work together in an open way, without limitation, and therefore expands the possibilities for innovation and sharing.
  • Accessibility: Whatever the location or situation, people should benefit from easy and fast access to information and solutions.
  • Security & Privacy: Protect people from being put in situations of danger or exploitation. People should be empowered to be independent and they should be the sole owners of their experiences.

🔗Respect Human Effort

  • Reliability: Make sure technologies are reliable and last longer.
  • Simplicity: We need to keep things simple: no unnecessary complexity - less is more.
  • Transparency: Let people and companies work together in a 100% transparent way.
  • Collaboration: It’s all about the greater picture. We are stronger together and have to help each other in reaching our common visions.

🔗Respect Human Experience

  • Ergonomy: Products and solutions should empower productivity, safety and comfort, while reducing human error.
  • Inclusiveness: Design should always be global and inclusive. We are all equal.
  • Design: Products should be visually appealing and should achieve it’s purpose.
  • Transparency: Organisational records and strategies should be accessible to everyone.

    Photo by Renee Fisher on Unsplash.